Colouring Page Crossword





Inside Out.

Have you ever thought about how you physically appear to other people? Lots of people spend time, money and worry stressing about what others see. If we are honest most of us at some point have looked in the mirror and thought about what we would like to see different about ourselves. Maybe it was our hair or maybe it was our clothes. Do we want to be smaller or bigger, have a different shade of skin or a different shaped nose?

When the Prophet Samuel in the Bible went to the house of Jesse to choose the next king of Israel he looked at Jesse's sons in the wrong way. Expecting God would pick one of the older, stronger sons he was confused when God said no to each of them. When he looked at Eliab, one of the older sons, God said to Samuel “Eliab is tall and handsome, but don’t judge by things like that. God doesn’t look at what people see. People judge by what is on the outside, but the Lord looks at the heart. Eliab is not the right man.” 1 Samuel 16 verse 7. When he had seen 7 sons he asked Jesse if he had any others. Jesse called for David, the youngest and probably the smallest one. Jesse surely didn't think that he would be the chosen one; he was so small and young! What good could he be as king? But God said to Samuel "Get up and anoint him. He is the one." 1 Samuel 16 verse 12.


It wasn't what David looked like that would make him king material, it was what he was like as a person. In Peter's latest Pirate vlog he is exploring lots of things he thinks he needs to have to be a real pirate. Have a think; does having a parrot, eye patch and peg leg really make you a pirate? Those things might be how we identify someone as a pirate but that isn't really what makes you one. When I think of pirates I think of them being brave and strong; ready to sail as far as it takes to find the treasure. They battle the sea and fight big sea creatures. Pirates always seem so fearless. Peter however is not quite like that. Even with all the "right" clothes, his heart is caring and kind. He helps people and thinks about putting others first, which is very unlike a pirate who only wants to get the treasure and will do anything to do so.


Have a think about what it is that you need to change to be the person that you want to be. Do you really think that changing your hair or being bigger or smaller will really change how people like you? Let people see how beautiful you are from the inside; how you treat others is what people really look for in a friend. You can be a loyal, hardworking person who always helps others before themselves without specific clothes, hair or anything else.


It's going to be a long and painful road before Peter finally realises that he is not cut out to be a pirate. Don't be like Peter. Stop trying to be everyone else and be the person who God made you to be; someone who is full of compassion, kindness, and love for other people. By asking God to help you when you don't feel good enough, and trying to be how he wants you to be, you will find that life makes a lot more sense.